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Motel Mozaïque 2024 x Depot

Motel Mozaïque (MOMO) landt in Depot Boijmans Van Beuningen! Kijk uit naar drie avonden met intieme muzikale performances.

Dit jaar werkt MOMO samen met Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen voor een dosis muziek in het spiegelende werkgebouw. Sinds 2022 organiseert het museum trapsessies in het Depot. Bezoekers zitten in een intieme setting op de trap naar de eerste verdieping. Omringd door kunst en architectuur, word je verrast door uiteenlopende performances.

MOMO Festival 2024

Van 18-20 april 2024 neemt MOMO Festival de stad weer over met een programma vol kunst, muziek, en performance. De line-up bestaat uit zowel nieuw talent als bekendere namen uit binnen- en buitenland. Diverse locaties in de stad doen mee met het festival, waaronder het Depot. Bij ons geniet je van optredens van Ranie Ribeiro, Sydney Lowell en Djuwa Mroivili.

Meer info

Praktische informatie

Datum & tijd
Donderdag 18 april | 20:00 - 20:30 & 22:00 - 22:30 | Ranie Ribeiro
Vrijdag 19 april | 19:30 - 20:00 & 21:00 - 21:30 | Sydney Lowell
Zaterdag 20 april | 19:00 - 19:30 & 20:45 - 21:15 | Djuwa Mroivili
Depot Boijmans Van Beuningen, Museumpark 24, Rotterdam
Dagtickets & passe-partouts verkrijgbaar via: https://motelmozaique.nl/tickets/

Ranie Ribeiro

"Ranie Ribeiro‘s artistic journey has taken on new dimensions and disciplines. Formerly known by his DJ moniker D-Ribeiro, Ranie Ribeiro is solidifying himself as a harpist. One of the notable aspects of his transformation is not only embracing the role of a composer, but also as a stage performer."

Sydney Lowell

"A creative spirit, born as Sydney Lowell, with her rhythmic poetry tells stories that move. Sometimes critical, sometimes sensual, sometimes introverted, sometimes extra – always soulful. The Amsterdam born & bred is active as a spoken word poet, voice actor, host and teacher. She’s also co-founder & producer of cultural platform We The People and online spoken word production 2PHRASE. During her performance she is musically accompanied by Ruben Croes."

Djuwa Mroivili

"Djuwa Mroivili is a Comorian-Dutch maker, afro-hair inspirer, pianist, fangirl, curator and researcher based in Amsterdam. Although she is trained as a classical pianist, and concerts are still part of her work practice (both solo and in collaboration with others), she also experiments with other formats of performances in which music plays a role. The performances she develops as a maker are often socially critical and conceptually layered in nature, and often inspired by findings from archival research. On stage, Mroivili then positions herself as a vulnerable storyteller, who uses music, words, images and body to tell her stories."