Art in Times of Surreal Distance
In deze tijd van geloof, hoop en liefde, om met Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer te spreken, stond het instagram account van Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen in het teken van een hedendaags experiment, een tekenestafette geïnspireerd op het Cadavre Exquis/Exquisite Corpse, een favoriet spel van kunstenaars als André Breton, Paul Eluard en Frida Kahlo.

Idea, Rules and Exposure
Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen wonders, dreams and deals with this surreal reality too. We are here to support, share and encourage the arts and artists. The stage is yours and your dreams are ours.
- Take two elements from the previous image and add one element of your own.
- You have 24 hours to make an artwork. But if you are faster, you'll give more artists a platform.
- Mail to stolk@boijmans.nl with "EE" as subject to be the next in line.
- You can participate till the 6th of April 2020.
- Format: 1080 x 1350 px (4:5)
- You can see who's next here: https://bit.ly/artintimesofsurrealdistance
- Everyone is free to participate. We will share your exquisite experiment and 1 image of your work in our stories. Just tag @boijmans.
We will share your artworks and 3 images of your own work in one post. (you can add your own copy to the post)