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Kings of Egypt II

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  • Cassian Amador asked

    Hello! Is Kings of Egypt II still available for the public to see at the Bojimans Museum?
    Regards, Cassian

  • Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen answered

    Hi Cassian, Yes, Kings of Egypt II is part of the ongoing presentation Lievelingen at Depot Boijmans Van Beuningen so you still have the opportunity to see it this year. Best, Mara

  • royale asked

    Where is the artwork today

  • Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen answered


    At the moment, this artwork is on view in Antwerp, Belgium: https://www.boijmans.nl/en/news/boijmans-collection-on-display-in-antwerp-for-five-years


  • Rayana asked

    what is the name of this artwork?

  • Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen answered

    Hi Rayana, the name of this art work is: Kings of Egypt II. Kind regards, Els

  • Mary asked

    I would love to see some works by Basquiat. I noticed online it says they are on display at Museum Boijmans is this a permanent exhibit or only for a limited time?

  • Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen answered

    Dear Mary, the museum is temporart closed for renovation, but our storage facility (Depot BVB) is open. There you can find two paintings by Basquiat (3097 MK in A5.02, and 3687 MK in Gallery I on the 3rd floor). There are also 5 works on paper, but these are stored away in A3.0.You could see them using our "art by request service ( https://www.boijmans.nl/en/art-by-request). One painting (3686 MK) is loaned to the KMSKA in Antwerp, another (3047 MK) you can see in the Cobra Museum, in the exhibition Cobra 75. Kind regards, Els

  • Nick asked

    My name is Nick Makoha. I am a poet from London studying a Creative Writing PhD at King’s College London. I am in my final year. I am working on my second poetry collection. In this collection I bring both Basquiat and Icarus back to life. I draw on elements of Basquiat’s iconography and Icarus’s mythology. The working title is The Welcome Table. It is part of sequence that explores the Entebbe hijacking and rescue (Operation Thunderbolt) in 1976 and its complex geopolitics. I want to use this sequence predominantly to talk about my contemporary Metic self (a foreigner or resident alien whose allegiances are split between their homeland and their new country). The key poetic sequence will be the Basquiat sequence, informed by twenty four of my favourite Basquiat’s paintings. Would it be possible to see your Basquiat collection in The Depot?

  • Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen answered

    Dear Nick, that sounds like a wonderful research into the work of Basquiat. Four of his paintings are being stored in the depot, and two are on view. 'Dog Bite/ Ax to Grind' is visibe from a windows on the 5th floor [A5.02], and Kings of Egypt II is included in a temporary exhibition of some of our collection hightlights on the third floor starting next week. The other two paintings are stored in A2.13, but might not be visible.

  • Xiaoding Zhu asked

    Dear Sir or Madam, Currently, I am searching for the location of some paintings like Kings of Egypt II by Jean-Michael Basquait and Not reproduced by Rene Magritte. I know about that most of the art works and paintings are exhibited at eight neighbouring institutions under the title ‘Boijmans Next Door’. However, I am not able to find the specific information about the location for two paintings metioned above. Hope you can provide me the information. Regards, XIAODING

  • Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen answered

    Dear Xiaoding, the painting of Jean-Michel Basquiat 'Kings of Egypt II' is on view right now at Kunsthal Rotterdam as part of the exhibition 'Meesterlijk!', until 29th of March. As for the artwork by René Magritte, 'La reproduction interdite': it is currently not on view, but in storage. It will however be part of an exhibition at the Cobra Museum from 1 May until 30 August 2020. Hopefully this helps! Kind regards, Sarie


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More information

As a graffiti artist, Jean-Michel Basquiat used the name Samo (a contraction of 'same old shit') plus the motif of a crown and a copyright symbol. He was the king of New York’s graffiti scene and then created a furore in the art world. In this painting, the crown surmounts two skulls. That Basquiat was already concerned with the dangers of success in 1982 is evident from the text on another painting: ‘most young kings get their head cut off’.

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Collection book

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Title Kings of Egypt II
Material and technique Oil on canvas
Object type
Painting > Painting > Two-dimensional object > Art object
Location This object is travelling
Dimensions Height 183,5 cm
Width 183,5 cm
Depth 4 cm
Artists Artist: Jean-Michel Basquiat
Accession number 3686 (MK)
Credits Loan Stichting Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen. Gift Hans Sonnenberg, 2012
Department Modern Art
Acquisition date 2012
Creation date in 1982
Collector Collector / Hans Sonnenberg
Entitled parties © Estate of Jean-Michel Basquiat. c/o Pictoright Amsterdam, 2022
Internal exhibitions Meneer Delta, een galeriehouder en verzamelaar in het museum (2012)
De collectie als tijdmachine (2017)
External exhibitions Boijmans bij de Buren - Meesterlijk! (2019)
Boijmans x KMSKA. Bruikleen t.b.v. nieuwe opstelling KMSKA (2022)
Basquiat - The Artist and his New York Scene (2019)
BASQUIAT. Of Symbols and Signs (2022)
Flight into Egypt. Black Artists and Ancient Egypt, 1876–Now (2024)
Jean-Michel Basquiat and Ouattara Watts: A Distant Conversation (2024)

Do you have corrections or additional information about this work? Please, send us a message

All about the artist

Jean-Michel Basquiat

New York 1960 - New York 1988

Jean Michel Basquiat's mother was Puerto Rican and his father was of Haitian descent. In 1977, Basquiat began spraying graffiti on the walls of Manhattan, where...

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