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Head of a Young Saint

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Title Head of a Young Saint
Material and technique Metalpoint and white heightening on pink prepared paper
Object type
Drawing > Two-dimensional object > Art object
Location This object is in storage
Dimensions Height 171 mm
Width 142 mm
Artists Draughtsman: Lorenzo di Credi
Accession number I 467 (PK)
Credits Loan Stichting Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen (former Koenigs collection), 1940
Department Drawings & Prints
Acquisition date 1940
Creation date in circa 1487-1494
Watermark none (vV, 4P)
Inscriptions 'Laure[nzo] di C[redi]' (mount, below right, pen and brown ink), '226' (idem, centre, pencil), 'tiré du Cabinet de Mr. Mariette à Paris' (idem, below centre, pen and brown ink), 'paye 20 Loui[s d'Or]' (idem, #, pen and brown ink), 'Aout' (idem, #, pen and brown ink)
Collector Collector / Franz Koenigs
Mark P.J. Mariette (L.2097), F.W. Koenigs (L.1023a) on mount
Provenance Pierre-Jean Mariette (1694-1774, L.2097, L.2859, on his blue mount together with inv. I 468, until 1940), Paris; his sale, Paris (Basan) 09.01.1776, in lot 380 (F 41,19 to Joullain); F. Joullain (1697-1778) or F.C. Joullain (1735-1790); - ; Art dealer Julius W. Böhler (1883-1966), Lucerne; Franz W. Koenigs (1881-1941, L.1023a), Haarlem, acquired in 1929; D.G. van Beuningen (1877-1955), Rotterdam, acquired with the Koenigs Collection in 1940 and donated to Stichting Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen
Exhibitions Amsterdam 1934, no. 541; Moscow 1995-96, no. 6; Rotterdam 2010-2011 (coll 2 kw 8-9); Rotterdam 2016-17
Internal exhibitions De Collectie Twee - wissel VIII, Prenten & Tekeningen (2010)
De Collectie Twee - wissel IX, Prenten & Tekeningen (2011)
Rondom Fra Bartolommeo (2016)
Research Show research Italian Drawings 1400-1600
Literature Amsterdam 1934, no. 541; Berenson 1938, no. 690c; Hannema 1942, pp. 6-10, ill; Berenson 1961, no. 728c; Dalli Regoli 1966, p. 170, no. 154, ill.; Elen 1989, p. 181, under no. 334; Forlani Tempesti 1991, p. 242, under no. 81; Moscow 1995, under no. 100; Moscow 1995-96, no. 6, ill.; Rosenberg 2010, p. 6, ill.; Rosenberg 2019, vol. 1, p. 445 no. I 702, ill.
Prepare > Prepared > Shaping techniques > General technique > Technique > Material and technique
Prepare > Prepared > Shaping techniques > General technique > Technique > Material and technique
Highlight > Painting technique > Technique > Material and technique
Geographical origin Italy > Southern Europe > Europe
Place of manufacture Florence > Tuscany > Italy > Southern Europe > Europe

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Entry catalogue Italian Drawings 1400-1600

Author: Giada Damen

In the eighteenth century this drawing by Lorenzo di Credi was in the collection of Pierre-Jean Mariette (1694-1774), a renowned connoisseur who pasted it onto one of his characteristic blue mounts together with another study by the artist: Head of a Young Man, now in Moscow.[1] As such, the two drawings were later acquired by Franz Koenigs. In 1940 however, at the time of the German invasion of the Netherlands, Mariette’s mount was brutally torn in half and the two drawings have been separated ever since.[2]

The attribution of both drawings to Lorenzo di Credi dates back to Mariette himself who wrote the name of the artist in the pen-and-ink cartouche on the blue mount. It was later endorsed by Bernard Berenson who pointed out that the sheet had stylistic similarities with works by Francesco Granacci (?1469-1543).[3]

The drawing has been assumed to represent the head of the angel in the Annunciation,[4] but it may also depict a saint. In 1966 Gigetta Dalli Regoli suggested that the drawing could be connected with the figure of Saint Sebastian in Credi’s altarpiece Madonna and Saints in Dresden.[5] The delicate head of the young saint, drawn on this sheet with soft traces of silverpoint, is similar to that of the saint in the altarpiece but not identical.

While the attribution of this drawing to Lorenzo di Credi has never been questioned, it is interesting to note that in recent scholarship some metalpoint drawings similar to the present one and traditionally ascribed to the artist have been singled out as works by Agnolo di Domenico di Donnino Mazziere (1466-1513).[6] This artist, active in Florence and Rome in the second half of the fifteenth century, was known for a long time by the pseudonym of Master of the Santo Spirito altarpieces. Among Lorenzo di Credi’s drawings that have been discussed for their proximity to Agnolo di Domenico di Donnino’s manner are Head of a Young Man Wearing a Cap in Paris[7] and the drawing in Moscow once mounted with the present drawing.[8] The artistic personality of Agnolo di Domenico di Donnino has been rediscovered only recently. Technically and stylistically his drawings are extremely close to those of Lorenzo di Credi. As pointed out by Catherine Monbeig Goguel, a reassessment of the graphic corpus of Lorenzo di Credi could help redefine his draughtsmanship as well as that of the other artists in his circle. It could also, perhaps, shed new light on the authorship of the present sheet.


[1] Rosenberg 2019, I, no. I 702, ill.

[2] Elen 1989, pp. 9-24, and p. 181, under no. 334.

[3] Berenson 1938, no. 690c.

[4] Lütjens c.1928-35, ‘Kopfstudie zum Engel einer Verkündigung’.

[5] Dalli Regoli 1966, no. 154.

[6] Monbeig Goguel 2002a, pp. 64-69.

[7] Musée du Louvre, inv. 1782.

[8] Dalli Regoli 2003, p. 82, no. 31.

Show research Italian Drawings 1400-1600
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Lorenzo di Credi

Florence 1456/1459 - Florence 1537

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